Wednesday, November 17, 2010

"Your weight really jumped up there Missy"

Yesterday was my 33 week appointment!  I can't say that the past 33 weeks have flown by, but it hasn't drug on either.  Now with the holiday season just around the season, time is sure to grow some wings!!

The appointment was good.  My doctor made the comment "your weight really jumped up there Missy", but went on to say that she is very proud of my weight gain to date and fully expected that with my previous history and natural build, I would "exceed expectations" in this department.  I still have 6 weeks to fight the good fight, and I am committed to getting back into shape after Karter is born.  Jared and I are both looking forward to strapping our skates back on and "strolling" around the block with the kiddos!  Too bad it'll be winter in Ohio!! 

Next week is my final week without an appointment!  That is the point where I think I can finally say that I am CLOSE!!  

I have had more concerns during this pregnancy; they never really seem warranted, but they are a reality of being my Mama's daughter.  That is not a slap at my Mother, rather an admittance of a truth that we both share - we are worriers.  My latest concern has been pre-mature labor, so I was happy to receive an email with this line this morning, "If you've been nervous about preterm labor, you'll be happy to know that babies born between 34 and 37 weeks who have no other health problems generally do fine. They may need a short stay in the neonatal nursery and may have a few short-term health issues, but in the long run, they usually do as well as full-term babies."  So it looks like I should start finding something new to worry about!

How about the holidays?  I love the holiday season, but it truly is a busy time of year!  This weekend, we have planned a weekend of adult fun.  We are meeting with a woman from our district to discuss Jordan's upcoming transition from her current school program to one within the school district on Friday at 3:30p.  Once that meeting is complete, Jordan is going home with her Nanny to enjoy some time with "her other family", and Jared and I are going to a happy hour with some of his co-workers and our shared friend, Meredith.  If timing works out, we'll also be joined by Justin and Mel!  If not, we'll meet up at the house when they get into town later in the evening.  Saturday evening is the annual Greek party, where we are sure to dance too much and have too much fun.  Sunday will be a nice day to relax and hang out as a family!!

Next weekend is Thanksgiving!!  In addition to celebrating the many things that we have to be thankful for, we are going to get our tree and decorate for Christmas!!  I'm so glad that our 2009 ornament made it in time!!  But I'll need to swing by Bed Bath and Beyond to get our 2010 - looks like it's time for another "Baby's first Christmas" ornament!!  Or is it... if Karter isn't born until after Christmas, then technically, next year would be her first Christmas, right?  Ut oh.  We don't have a plan B!  Does that mean I must wait and see how things "play out"?  Did I just find something new to turn my concern toward?  If Karter comes after Christmas, what will our 2010 ornament be?  Any ideas? 

Now let's turn our attention to more holiday fun!  Dec 11, we are going with our friends, Matt and Rachel, and their nephew Cylis to the Polar Express!  If you know Jared well, you can probably guess that he is the most excited!!  This could become a great holiday tradition!

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