Thursday, October 28, 2010

First Field Trip

This week has been a week of firsts for this mama-daughter duo. On Sunday evening, I borrowed my mom's sewing machine, and Jordan and I made a blanket for her big girl bed! (I'll share a picture soon!) On Tuesday, we made our first batch of cupcakes together. And today, we enjoyed our first field trip together at a pumpkin patch in Hartville, OH!

After picking out a gourd to bring home, we stopped for a quick picture. Picking gourds is a dirty job!!
Jordan couldn't wait to join her friends Maddie and Casey on the hay ride! It may have been cold and windy, but we couldn't stop smiling!
What would a pumpkin patch be without plenty of pumpkins????
Jordan squealed with excitement when she saw this hand made pink cart thingy - if it's pink, it must have been intended for her!
Before going down the slide with her friends (her favorite moment when the teacher asked later), Jordan stopped to feed this hungry little fellow some corn that she found on the ground. And later, it was her turn to eat; the cupcakes we made earlier in the week were a hit with her and her friends!
By the time we got home, we were both whipped. Jordan took a short nap, and I had a doctor appointment. My doctor is super pleased with every aspect of things so far. My next appointment is Nov 5 at 4p and will be with the lead doctor performing my surgery. We should know "the date" soon after!! No matter when she joins our family, one thing is for sure. Karter will be the lucky little sister of one amazing gal.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Lesson Learned!

I noticed this morning when I put on my favorite maternity pants that they were a little tighter than usual, but since I'm about to enter the final couple of months, I figured that's to be expected and shrugged it off. But after my hour+ commute and 2 hours of sitting at my desk, my tummy was screaming! It was decided - I was either going to puke or have to take my favorite pants off! I considered cutting the waist of my pants, but I still really like them and expect that I'll want to wear them for a little while after Karter is born...

So I left work and went down the street to the Salvation Army. Don't judge. It's the closest thing to my office that I was sure would have maternity pants and I was about to bust!

I noticed on my way in the door that clothing is 50% off today. Not only did I find a pair of oversized and comfortable pants to slip on today, but I also ended up with my new favorite jeans, a sleeveless turtleneck sweater, a cardigan, a button down, and a dress! And my total ticket... $25!!!!

So I suppose I learned 2 lessons today...
(1) don't walk out the door in pants that already hurt my belly
(2) shop the Salvation Army for maternity clothes!!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Anxiously awaiting a gift from Becky...

Ok, so perhaps the headline seems a bit forward, but I happen to know that Aunt Becky crafted a special gift for Baby Karter... and... I can't wait to see it in person!
This is what will hang on the wall above Karter's crib. I am so lucky to have such a crafty sister!!

Play Days While Awaiting Karter Kaye

Jordan and Mommy had a great play day yesterday! Jordan's nanny, Missy, needed the day off to take her own daughter for a procedure, so I was glad to get to spend my day with Jordan!

It seems that Jordan is getting use to the idea of having baby Karter around. She laid her Baby Karter baby doll in the crib a few days ago and has been letting her sleep there since. And yesterday morning while we were picking something out to wear, Jordan finally pronounced that her crib is for Karter!
Later in the morning, Jordan finally got to show me around her school and introduce me to her best friend, Casey. He is just as cute as she says he is!! As my father once said of my own love, I could do worse for a son-in-law. Okay, so perhaps it's a little early for that type of talk, but Casey is a cutie!
Our play day came on the heals of Jordan's play day with her Daddy, Great-Granddad Buck and Great-Grandma Sudie on Monday! We were lucky to have them spend the weekend with us and join us for an outing to the Cleveland Zoo!! (Note: If you find yourself in the area, beware of the dirty dirty monkeys. Yes, there's a story there. No, I won't be sharing it today. Just take my words of caution and file them away).

What started out as any other day home sick from the office turned in to a special day for Daddy, his girl, and his grandparents. I'll probably never know everything that they accomplished that day, but I know that I came home to some big smiles and some happy faces!

Buck and Sudie brought a special gift for their special gal.

With all these play days, you may be wondering when we work... The answer is today. We were suppose to be on our way to Kentucky, but will instead be enjoying a weekend getting caught up around the house. We're sad to be missing the alumni reunion, but are coming off of a good week nonetheless!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Plans, Hopes, and Prayers

As expected, hoped , and prayed for, the appointment went well! The doctor complimented me on my slowed weight gain and said that 4 lbs in 4 weeks is all baby growth, and that’s what she likes to see. The blood work and glucose test results were all normal. And she was excited to see me wearing heals and to know that I was still wearing my rings (even though I forgot them yesterday).

She was probably most excited about the strength of the baby’s heart beat and the amount of kicks and movement causing interference with the Doppler. She said that this baby doesn’t give her anything to worry about, which is music to this mama’s ears! And she commented on the size of the baby and my belly and had to measure twice!!

The doctor wrote me an order not to commute to work after 32 weeks, so Nov 13 is my last approved day in the office… about 4 ½ more weeks! And the good news is that my management took up the battle with HR on my behalf, and I will be able to work from home for that 7 weeks!

Things are picking up pace now. I am now on the every 2 week appointment schedule, so we scheduled my next 2 appointments out for 10/28 and 11/16. On 11/5, we have our consultation with the Dr that will lead my c-section. My doctor won’t be at that appointment, but she said that she and he will discuss things afterwards and then I will very quickly know the date we are scheduling!! I couldn’t believe it!! I thought that we wouldn’t know that until mid-Dec when they (and the baby) decided it was time, but it seems that I’ll probably know at that 11/16 appointment if not before then! That makes things a little scary for me… as much as I like to plan… having a date makes things uncomfortably real!

She also told me that Jared and I need to go over and tour the labor and delivery ward of the hospital. They just redid it and she said it’s very nice. Each mom and baby get a room to share together after the delivery, so that will make it nice for any visitors who are able to make it to the hospital.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Plenty of Time for Sensible Shoes

After a busy weekend and several sleepless nights (cold related), we start yet another Monday morning. Despite my sleepy eyes and strong preference to be back in bed, I can't help but be excited! Welcome to a new kind of Week 28!

28 Weeks and 28 lbs later, I'm still taking 4 hour shopping trips with family and friends!
28 Weeks and 28 lbs later, I can still see the toes of my pumps!28 Weeks and 28 lbs later, I'm still having dance parties with my best gal Jordan!
28 Weeks and 28 lbs later, I still feel like me!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Less than 12 Weeks to GO!...

Tomorrow is the start of Week 28! Since we know that the doctor generally targets 39 weeks for a repeat c-section, we can guess that we are less than 12 weeks from welcoming Karter Kaye into our family!

Yep, I said 28 Weeks! If you were at Justin and Mel's wedding in Dec of 2007, you may be recalling those memories to picture me at 28 Weeks pregnant.

Here's a picture of me THEN and NOW. I know my stomach is pretty hidden in the THEN picture, but there aren't many pictures of me pregnant to choose from. You can probably use the size of my cheeks as a good gage :) or the fact that I am wearing the same watch in both pictures... and In the THEN picture, it is cutting deeply into my wrist. In the NOW, it rolls comfortably around my wrist.

As for the NOW, if you are worried about the paleness of my skin, the puffiness of my eyes, or the lack of smile on my face... please remember that I've had a horrible cold for the past 3 days but am otherwise doing ay-okay!

Yesterday, I did the 1-hour glucola test and had other routine bloodwork drawn. I expect to hear another good report at my appointment on Monday!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Packing More Fun into the Weekend

After the trip to the zoo yesterday, we thought about taking it easy today... but instead... we bought and wrapped a few gifts, went grocery shopping (and bought a prenatal yoga DVD that I can't wait to try!), colored, practiced walking, played with the new silly face magnet book from Aunt Susie, and rode Jordan's bike! I always hate saying goodbye to the weekends, but after this weekend, I must go back to work to rest!

13 Weeks to Go

With 13 weeks to go, I am only 1 week away from entering the 3rd and final trimester! I am hoping that our lack of preparation for the holidays and the baby will make the next 12 or 13 weeks fly by!!

I am picking up pounds like they're nothing and now dread the final weigh ins. I have reached the point of utter fatness, and the last couple of nights have been haunted by a sore back, swollen fingers, and multiple trips to the bathroom to pee. I suppose the "easy" days are behind me now.

But things aren't all bad. Daddy, Jordan, and I are making the most of our final days of good weather before the Cleveland winter strikes. Yesterday, we went to the Akron Zoo to check out the animals and enjoy a ride on the merry go round. We couldn't have asked for more perfect weather for the majority of the day - by the time it started raining, we were on our way to the car and getting ready to head home.

Here are some pictures of a few of our favorite moments...

Daddy and Jordan never turn down a ride on a Merry Go Round! Jordan picked the biggest animal - the Mama Giraffe...

It's hard to say who enjoys these rides more, Jordan or Daddy!

Jordan and the Snow Leopard were drawn to one another! The other kids would scare him away, but when he saw Jordan, he would come back!! Maybe he heard her yelling "Come back Kitty!" The crowd went "awwww" to see them posing together.
Jordan had a good time showing Daddy all of the different types of Jellies in the Jelly Exhibit!
Daddy and Mommy agree that we need more days like these - when we can just clown around like Daddy's favorite little climbing rodent and Mommy's favorite little monkey pal!!