Monday, August 29, 2011

First Day = Success

Jordan can't stop talking about her first day back to school.  Unfortunately, mama can't keep up, but here's what I can tell you...

- She wants to go back today, not wait for tomorrow, and stay there.
- Both of her teachers and all of her friends were there.  Except, Aidan, Tanner and Katie were not there (not a surprise since Aidan and Tanner both graduated on to kindergarden after last year).
- She, Grant and another friend built a tall tower, a small tower, steps and a wall using blocks.
- She and Ben read a book about a mouse together and then they had to pack their backpacks together so that they could go home to their houses.

Miss Brenda shared Jordan's enthusiasm when I met them at the door this afternoon.  She said that today was a great day back for all of the kids and that it seems like the makings for a great school year!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

The girls and I decided to take advantage of a nice breezy evening with a long walk.  We finally started using the Sit N Stand stroller that the girls' Uncle Justin and Aunt Mel got us for Karter's baby shower... and we love it! Jordan stood for the first half of the trip, but opted to sit when she got a little tired. Karter was just happy to feel the wind in her hair. Me, I am thankful for that breeze 'cause 73° feels much hotter when you're 30 weeks pregnant!
Tomorrow = Back2School!  Keep J-Love in your prayers - we can only pray that year 2 of preschool will live up to her super high expectations!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

C'mon Aug 29!!

It's almost time to go back to school, and Jordan is READY!!  We've upgraded from the PBKids Preschool sized backpack to the Small, and the size seems perfect!  It arrived this afternoon and Jordan excitedly pointed out that it's her favorite color, favorite pattern, and has her name!!  Wow, it seems mama did good!!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

Good Heavens, Month 7!

Karter Kaye is 7 months and 11 days old today!

Time has been passing us by on overdrive as these girls continue to grow, we work on moving into our new house, and we hang out with friends and family who have made it in town to visit over the past 6 or 8 weeks.

7 fun facts about our 7 month old:

1. Karter has 2 teeth and more on the way (shown in the picture above)
2. Karter's favorite past time is STILL bouncing herself in her bouncy chair
3. Karter has a 2 word vocabulary consisting of "da-da" and "ma-ma"
4. Karter LOVES playtime with Sissy (AKA Jordan) and often giggles uncontrollably
5. Karter sleeps through the night and has since she was 7 weeks old
6. Karter rolls with ease and can make it from one side of a room to the other in the blink of an eye
7. Karter is Daddy's girl and yells his name the second she hears his voice or catches a glimpse of him