Monday, May 30, 2011

Where Have I Been?

Wow, it's been a while.  I can't even begin to try to capture everything that we've missed! - Easter, Mother's Day, our anniversary, my birthday, a trip to San Francisco and Yosemite with the girls, a new house, and so much more!

And this week, the chaos and fun continues!  Today is Memorial Day.  We spent the weekend with a special military man, Jared's granddad, along with his grandmother, dad, mom, and sister.  We mostly took it easy, but made time for a small swap meet and Canton Bike Days too (finally a little sun!)

Today has been a day of rest as we prepare for what's ahead.  Tomorrow, Jordan has school and 2 therapy sessions, and I likely will have several calls with Jordan's trust lawyer in preparation for Wednesday.  My mom will be coming to help with the girls for the Wednesday and Thursday activities.  Wednesday, we have our first encounter with the probate court.  Thursday is Jordan's last day of school and my ultrasound (Jordan is hoping for another little sister) and Friday is her end of year program and breakfast... and Jared just walked in the room to tell me that he forgot he'll be traveling for work Thursday and Friday.  Come Friday, Jared's brother, wife, and son will be in for a nice weekend visit from Indiana.

So as the closing date nears for the new house, I am hopeful that next week will offer time for packing and sifting through the ridiculous amount of stuff we have accumulated.  Garage sale plans are coming soon!  The new house has a heated salt pool which will be great for Jordan's therapy (and my general health), so I am anxious to get things rolling on the move!!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

~ Mothers Day ~

Happy Mothers Day to all of the mothers out there.  And a very special Happy Mothers Day to the best of them all, my own, Beverly Rose.  I hope this Mothers Day has been special for you, Mom! - My mom is escorting the girls to my cousin Christopher's graduation party after spending the last couple of days with them visiting at my her house.  Side note: Karter has now met 2 of 5 Great Grandparents!!

So what does this mama do when she's babyless on Mothers Day?  We signed some papers for the new house, ate lunch with friends, and now that Jared has been called in to work, I am doing housework.  If you're thinking that today doesn't sound special, you may be right.  But maybe not.  I left out that I opened my present from Jordan early and have been googly-eyed over it ever since.  Jordan (with the help of the great folks at Lake Cable elementary) created a collage of her time at her new school, along with a few extra photos to go along.  And for Mothers Day, I am sharing it with you.

So if you're now thinking that her first day may have been a hard one... you're not alone!  Holy hair, right?!

First Visit to the Classroom. From this candid shot, it looks like we're both a little unsure!

Phys Ed on Family Activity Day!  What a workout!

Barnyard Bingo!
And if you are still underwhelmed... were you maybe hoping for flowers? Got those too!!! Check out the one blossoming below!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Wordless Wednesday!

Today's Wordless Wednesday brought to you in appreciation of Great Aunt Linda who made the beautiful pillow below for Karter!  (Jordan and mama also received their own when they were itty bits!)

What I forgot to say...

... is that Karter's appointment began as they all do... with a weigh in. 

Karter was 4 months and 3 days old yesterday and measured 26 1/4" and 20 lb 4oz, putting her in the 100+ percentile in all directions! Yay for big healthy girls!   

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

News too good...

It's late.  I'm tired.  There's packing to do.  But I've got news too good not to share!

Karter had her first *and perhaps only* appointment with a neurologist this afternoon.  Although big heads run in the family, they can also be reason for concern.  We had an ultrasound a while back, and the results were promising.  But today's appointment was just plain super!  The neurologist has zero concern about her, and developmentally, she is tracking on target.  After I told him that her Dad and my Dad have big heads, he noted my own oversized melon.  I never knew it, but my head is in the 80th+ percentile and is barely still measuring within the high range of normal!  The doctor was confident that her head size was a direct results of her big brained genes and nothing more.  In fact, he has no interest in seeing her back!  Wow!  I sure love doctors who don't want to see us back!!

Tonight, I breathe a little easier and say a little prayer of thanks.  We need more appointments like this!