Friday, November 19, 2010

Ut oh... I've got an urge to clean!

It's midnight, and I'm not sleeping.  I am exhausted, but I seem to have caught somewhat of a second wind.  I stumbled up the steps and found myself laying in bed with my eyes wide open for nearly 30 minutes when I couldn't take it anymore.  I have that urge to clean, but I know that I can't do that without waking the whole house up (which is unfortunate, because the house really could use a good cleaning!)  So here I sit, in the basement, at my desk, working.  I have had a couple longer contractions today, but nothing with notable frequency.  I'm sure it's nothing, but when I just thought about how much I wanted to clean, I remembered what they say... awww... as I like to say, a girl can dream.  Of course, it would be easier to dream if the girl could sleep... but you can't always get what you want...

1 comment:

  1. Ut oh indeed!! :-) That makes my vaccuuming comment have a whole new meaning!!
