Friday, August 20, 2010

Jordan calls her Carter

Jared and I thought that we were 100% (or at least 95%) on calling our baby girl Haley Kaye. We even thought that Jordan LOVED the name. As it turns out, Jordan loves school and she loves her friend at school name Haley :) She won't budge from Carter for the baby in mommy's belly...

So now we're wondering...

Can we call a baby girl Karter? Does the K make it more femanine? Or is this like the boy named Sue?

We're thinking that if we go that route, we may need to rethink the middle name and use something more girlie...

Karter Elizabeth Rinker
Karter Anne Rinker
Karter Christina Rinker
Karter Haley Rinker
Haley Karter Rinker
Karter Alexis Rinker
Karter Grace Rinker
Karter Reese Rinker

Got an opinion or another idea? Clilck on "Comment" below and leave us your thoughts!


  1. What about...Carly! (Whatever spelling you choose). You can have two J's, two C's, and Carly is a nice combination of Carter and Haley. It's also a name I love and considered for our girl before zeroing in on Kamryn.

    If you do go with Karter, I agree a feminine middle is important. That's our thought with Kamryn as well. Of your options I think vote for Haley Karter, or Karter Grace.

  2. I love love Karter Grace! I am also keen on Rebecca Kay!

  3. I think Karter will be a great girls name - very original! I really like Karter Elizabeth - beautiful name!!! Congratulations!

    Kathy S

  4. I'm loving Karter more and more every moment! I love the girlie middle names, but I still like Kaye/Kay a lot... especially since it's a family name on both sides... what about Karter Kae? How do you feel about that spelling?

  5. I agree, I love the name Karter for a girl. Boy-ish names for girls are absolutely adorable. Both of our kids were going to be named Logan and Mason regardless of sex. (Mason would have been called Macey though..) Karter is beautiful!
    Jenni (Huber)
