Jordan has been doing a great job of holding down the fort while Jared, Karter, and I have been recovering at the hospital. But yesterday, we were finally able to come home and Jordan didn't hide her excitement!
Jordan picked a matching outfit from Grandmother Hamilton for her and Baby Karter to wear home from the hospital together. |
Karter earned an early release with great test scores, a big appetite, and continuous good health. |
Mommy and Daddy couldn't wait for us to all be home together! |
Today was our first full day together at home. We love our new family of 4. Jordan and Karter have spent plenty of time bonding together.
Jordan gives Karter plenty of kisses. |
A proud big sister who tells her little sister that she loves her. |
We were all happy to spend some time visiting with Nathan and Kiersten when they dropped in from West Virginia! |
Just like her big sister, Karter loves swinging!! |
Daddy has been doing an amazing job taking care of his 3 girls. Mommy is still recovering from surgery, and Daddy has been making bottles, changing diapers, playing with toys, fixing dinner, and helping Mommy to her feet on the rarity she feels like being there. Once we are all in the swing of things, we girls owe Daddy a big ice cream cake and plenty of hugs and kisses! (And maybe even a date night out to see Harry Potter...! Anyone interested in being a babysitter for a night?)
Obviously we are always willing to let you and Jared go out and watch your girls ;) Let us know when!