Monday, December 13, 2010

All Aboard the Polar Express

Saturday night was a day of pure excitement for one little gal!  It was Jordan's first ride on the Polar Express!  From the moment that she saw her new flannel Christmas pajamas (bought especially for the big event), the excitement couldn't be contained!  As we sang Christmas songs, looked at lights, listened to a Christmas story, and enjoyed a visit from St. Nick himself, no one could deny that the happiest gal on the train was one squealling, giggling, Jordan Rose! 
Mommy and Jordan wait to board the Polar Express!
One golden ticket to the North Pole!

The North Pole?  Ha!  That's silly; Santa lives at the Mall!

Checking out the Christmas lights...
and more lights!

While the elves shared the story of the Polar Express, Jordan shared a little story of her own with Matt.
The kiddos huddled around Santa Clause, a special guest that we picked up at the North Pole!

Jordan speaks of Santa fondly.  Throughout the day, she rings her bell and sings the first three lines to "Jingle Bells", and at night, she clenches it in her hand while she sleeps. 
Jordan is counting down the days until he comes to her house and puts presents under her tree.  I am counting down the days until I see the joy that his visit will bring!


  1. Looks like a fun time! What a happy gal!

    But I am a little sad that it appears the adults were not in PJs...

  2. This trip on The Polar Express and Jordan's waiting to have Santa come to her home is super exciting for Nan. Take plenty of pictures and post for us of Christmas Eve and morning. Today's blog has made my evening. I am super excited for Santa now, too!!!!

    ~ Nan (Kaye Strawn)
