Wednesday, March 30, 2011

3 Months of Fun

Wow, have these 3 months flown by or what!?  Karter is officially 3 months old today. 

Karter has grown in every way; we all have.  This is a time of many unknowns and   countless anticipated changes.  Jared has worked 12+ hour shifts for the past 31 days STRAIGHT.  I have accepted a new role at work with new responsibilities, new challenges, and new opportunties and was a semi-finalist for a skill-based reality show (yes, you should assume that it was The Real World).   Jordan has transitioned to a new "big girl" preschool and is making new friends.  And although it seems like just yesterday she was a baby herself, she has blossomed into a wonderful big sister and keeps a watchful and protecting eye on her baby sister.  As a Mom and a wife, I couldn't be more proud of this crew!!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Live ~ Laugh ~ Love

Build-a-Bear Adventures!

Jordan finally got to have her birthday celebration with Casey at Build-a-Bear!  Earlier in the morning, Casey "accidentally" dialed 9-1-1, and after a visit from a kind police man, Casey chose to make a police bulldog.  Jordan chose a black bear and named her Glitter.  Glitter (below) wears a Harley Davidson tank top, a white lacey skirt with plenty of bling, and a pair of Twinkle Toes (just like Jordan!)  AND, Glitter sings a special birthday song just for Jordan!!

After Build-a-Bear, Jordan, Casey's Mom (Laura), and I all went to the food court and continued the party with pretzels, slushies, and birthday presents!

As it turns out, a minivan was just what Jordan always wanted!  What a great friend Casey is!!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Gee oh gee, Jordan is 3!

Jordan's birthday weekend got off to a rocky start with a terrible cough and a trip to the doctor, but things got much sweeter when she got in a little early celebrating with Grandmother, Granddaddy and Aunt Brittney!

Among Jordan's favorite early presents were the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse figurines from Grandmother and Granddaddy, the "so cute" shoes from Aunt Brittney, and the Micky Mouse counting book from Aunt Susie.
The Disney figurines from Grandmother and Granddaddy are a perfect fit for her growing hands!
Jordan taught Aunt Brittney a little something about counting with Mickey!
Jordan takes Pluto for walks regularly.  She keeps saying she's ready for a pet...

We had to reschedule her Build-a-Bear outing with Casey, and she smissed her first official day of school, but Jordan was feeling much better, just in time for her birthday!

For a special birthday girl, mommy had a special birthday treat!  In stead of oatmeal and yogurt, Jordan enjoyed a frosting and sprinkle covered chocolate chip cookie for breakfast!

The fun continued throughout the day with a special delivery from Mima and Mipa, gifts from Aunt Becky, Uncle JD and cousin Jeffrey, and some favorite toys from her nanny, Missy!

When Mommy and Daddy got home from work, it was time for Jordan to open MORE presents!  The moment that Daddy walked in the door, she began tearing into the biggest present... and with excitement declared... "IT'S A COUCH!"

And what birthday would be complete without a birthday cake???
...  BEFORE ...
... AFTER ...
And what birthday would be complete without a birthday bath???

And when there's no more presents to open and no more cake to eat, it's a nice time to sit on one's new "couch" and reflect on the day with much love and appreciation for the friends and family who helped make birthday #3 one to remember!

And eventually, every wonderful birthday must come to an end...!

May each year be more amazing than the last.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Karter Kaye - 2 Months!

Sorry for the delay!  Losing internet for a week put me behind and now I can't seem to catch up!!  I owe you a full update, but for now, here's Karter Kaye at 2 months!!

Karter at 2 months!  (16 lbs!)
Pretty as a flower!

Doing the "it's my birthday" dance!

Nothing is sweeter than the soft touch of a loving hand...