I just realized that I have an ultrasound in 2 ½ weeks! Yay!! It’ll be fun to see one so late in the pregnancy; perhaps we’ll even take a video camera so we can record my face! J/K, but perhaps we should video it! I have changed my mind. In stead of Karter coming on Dec 15, I would like for her to come the night of Dec 17. The ultrasound is scheduled for that afternoon J
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
After a long day's work, Jordan and I had an appointment with Dr. Saghal yesterday. It couldn't have been a more positive appointment! He noted progress in nearly every area and was clearly tickled when she referred to him as "my doctor". Her progress is so promising that he opted not to schedule any more Botox injections for the time being and will be keeping her medication at the same level! This may not seem like much, but this is the first appointment in a long time where he has not increased the dosage, so I consider it a win! He is not the first doctor to note Jordan's internal drive, incredible motivation, and advanced intelligence... but it never gets old hearing it from "the professionals". And yes, there's also comfort in knowing that it's absolutely 100% true! So when Jordan throws herself on the ground like a typical 2 year old, and then screams persistently for twice as long and twice as loudly, I remind myself - this is same characteristic that has helped her accomplish so much already! This is one little girl that will always have me super willing to take the bad with the good, because as it turns out, the bad in her IS super good!! And sure, she's a bit spoiled - but let's face it, hard work should be rewarded!! So before you judge my Princess, be warned, you should be careful how you talk to the Queen!!
The countdown to Karter's arrival continues! I have 4 appointments left on the books, and I'm told that will be it unless my doctor requests more! My next appointment is this afternoon - and this will be my last non-intrusive appointment. If you've ever been pregnant, you know exactly what I'm talking about!!
There is so much preparing left to do! We still need to figure out the closet situation, make Karter's bed (which is currently buried in the wonderful gifts she has received), pick up nipples for her bottles, clean up the carseats and stroller, and many more things that have yet to be identified!! But we continue to make progress. Last night, Jordan, Daddy and I toured Akron General, where Karter will be delivered. The rooms are small, but all private. The facilities are new, and overall, it seems like a great place to welcome Karter into this world! Have I mentioned how not ready I am to welcome Karter into this world...?
The countdown to Karter's arrival continues! I have 4 appointments left on the books, and I'm told that will be it unless my doctor requests more! My next appointment is this afternoon - and this will be my last non-intrusive appointment. If you've ever been pregnant, you know exactly what I'm talking about!!
There is so much preparing left to do! We still need to figure out the closet situation, make Karter's bed (which is currently buried in the wonderful gifts she has received), pick up nipples for her bottles, clean up the carseats and stroller, and many more things that have yet to be identified!! But we continue to make progress. Last night, Jordan, Daddy and I toured Akron General, where Karter will be delivered. The rooms are small, but all private. The facilities are new, and overall, it seems like a great place to welcome Karter into this world! Have I mentioned how not ready I am to welcome Karter into this world...?
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Holy Smokes! OMG! Holy Cow!!
Curious about the headline? These are just a few of the appropriate reactions when we realize that we are 30 days are less from welcoming Karter Kaye into our lives!! It just so happens that I wanted things to fly by and sneak up on me, but as they say, be careful what you wish for, you might just get it! There's so much left to do, and the days to do it are officially "numbered"!
Jordan finally got to sit on Santa's lap today. She was super excited, until she actually sat in his lap. He's so much bigger up close! But the apprehension didn't last long - Jordan is still excited for Santa to "come to her house at night and bring her new toys". Specifically, she has asked Santa for a baby doll that she can bath - and she picked "her" out at the toy store last week. Even if I'm not ready for Christmas, Jordan IS ready and Christmas IS just around the corner!!
Jordan finally got to sit on Santa's lap today. She was super excited, until she actually sat in his lap. He's so much bigger up close! But the apprehension didn't last long - Jordan is still excited for Santa to "come to her house at night and bring her new toys". Specifically, she has asked Santa for a baby doll that she can bath - and she picked "her" out at the toy store last week. Even if I'm not ready for Christmas, Jordan IS ready and Christmas IS just around the corner!!
Thankful for 4 Day Weekends
HAPPY THANKSGIVING! I know... I'm a couple of days late, but 4 day weekends are BUSY at our house!! I never knew that until this weekend. This is actually the first 4 day weekend that I can remember Jared, Jordan and I all being home together!! And what a wonderful way to spend the holiday!!!
Jared and I were both able to wrap up work a little early on Wednesday and get an early start on celebrating the holiday. This gave us the long over due chance to go Christmas shopping as a family! And what a success! We not only enjoyed quality time at the Food Court, but we also managed to buy for 2 people off of our list! AND, we got the last ingredient for lady locks/cream horns/lady fingers/whatever you want to call the deliciousness that Jared and I love to cook up during the holidays!! When we got home, we still had shopping on our minds... and we managed to finish up another 3 people off our list on-line!!
Thursday morning, Daddy and Jordan watched the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade while Mommy surprised Jordan with her favorite breakfast treat, biscuits and gravy!
After breakfast, we started on the lady locks and chocolate chip cookies, finishing up just in time to make it to our Thanksgiving dinner at Perkins!!
Jared and I enjoyed our turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy, and greenbeans, while Jordan mostly enjoyed her mashed potatoes and the pink crayon that the nice waitress brought her to color with; we were all pleased with the free dessert, free drinks, good food, AND walking away without any dishes to wash!!
When we got back home, we were all ready to relax and watch a little Thanksgiving day football.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Anticipating the Beginning
I have started to think about Karter's entrance into our world. I have been thinking about what I want to tell her when we first meet, and how I want to introduce her to the big sister who already loves her and is so excited to teach her so much. I'm thinking about who should hold her first, and who should get that first kiss. And by the way, I already know the answer. Those first moments are so important. They must be filled with maximum love, and no one can love a little girl like her Daddy! I know this first hand from my own father and see it every day when Jared looks at Jordan.
Are you getting excited for those first moments too?
We welcome all of our friends and family to join us at the hospital! That doesn't mean that I'll have stadium seating between my legs, but it doesn't mean I won't either... okay, so I won't. I believe that I was fairly adamant when Jordan was born that I didn't want a bunch of people in the delivery room with us. I am conservative, and that can distort my judgement at times. I would claim that I was young and stupid, but I wasn't that young, so I suppose we can just blame stupidity! You, our friends and family are the ones that have stood beside us through our toughest times and place your hands on our shoulders when our knees are buckling; if you want to be with us on that special day in December, we want you to be there!
We are delivering at Akron General Medical Center in the New Life Center. For anyone who visited Jordan at the Children's Hospital, we'll be right down the street! Jared, Jordan and I will be touring the facility on Monday! Jordan knows that when Karter is ready to come out, I will go the hospital and the doctors will help us get her out. This could make for some cute conversations on Monday while we're at the hospital admiring other babies!
Are you getting excited for those first moments too?
We welcome all of our friends and family to join us at the hospital! That doesn't mean that I'll have stadium seating between my legs, but it doesn't mean I won't either... okay, so I won't. I believe that I was fairly adamant when Jordan was born that I didn't want a bunch of people in the delivery room with us. I am conservative, and that can distort my judgement at times. I would claim that I was young and stupid, but I wasn't that young, so I suppose we can just blame stupidity! You, our friends and family are the ones that have stood beside us through our toughest times and place your hands on our shoulders when our knees are buckling; if you want to be with us on that special day in December, we want you to be there!
We are delivering at Akron General Medical Center in the New Life Center. For anyone who visited Jordan at the Children's Hospital, we'll be right down the street! Jared, Jordan and I will be touring the facility on Monday! Jordan knows that when Karter is ready to come out, I will go the hospital and the doctors will help us get her out. This could make for some cute conversations on Monday while we're at the hospital admiring other babies!
Friday, November 19, 2010
Ut oh... I've got an urge to clean!
It's midnight, and I'm not sleeping. I am exhausted, but I seem to have caught somewhat of a second wind. I stumbled up the steps and found myself laying in bed with my eyes wide open for nearly 30 minutes when I couldn't take it anymore. I have that urge to clean, but I know that I can't do that without waking the whole house up (which is unfortunate, because the house really could use a good cleaning!) So here I sit, in the basement, at my desk, working. I have had a couple longer contractions today, but nothing with notable frequency. I'm sure it's nothing, but when I just thought about how much I wanted to clean, I remembered what they say... awww... as I like to say, a girl can dream. Of course, it would be easier to dream if the girl could sleep... but you can't always get what you want...
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
"Your weight really jumped up there Missy"
Yesterday was my 33 week appointment! I can't say that the past 33 weeks have flown by, but it hasn't drug on either. Now with the holiday season just around the season, time is sure to grow some wings!!
The appointment was good. My doctor made the comment "your weight really jumped up there Missy", but went on to say that she is very proud of my weight gain to date and fully expected that with my previous history and natural build, I would "exceed expectations" in this department. I still have 6 weeks to fight the good fight, and I am committed to getting back into shape after Karter is born. Jared and I are both looking forward to strapping our skates back on and "strolling" around the block with the kiddos! Too bad it'll be winter in Ohio!!
Next week is my final week without an appointment! That is the point where I think I can finally say that I am CLOSE!!
I have had more concerns during this pregnancy; they never really seem warranted, but they are a reality of being my Mama's daughter. That is not a slap at my Mother, rather an admittance of a truth that we both share - we are worriers. My latest concern has been pre-mature labor, so I was happy to receive an email with this line this morning, "If you've been nervous about preterm labor, you'll be happy to know that babies born between 34 and 37 weeks who have no other health problems generally do fine. They may need a short stay in the neonatal nursery and may have a few short-term health issues, but in the long run, they usually do as well as full-term babies." So it looks like I should start finding something new to worry about!
How about the holidays? I love the holiday season, but it truly is a busy time of year! This weekend, we have planned a weekend of adult fun. We are meeting with a woman from our district to discuss Jordan's upcoming transition from her current school program to one within the school district on Friday at 3:30p. Once that meeting is complete, Jordan is going home with her Nanny to enjoy some time with "her other family", and Jared and I are going to a happy hour with some of his co-workers and our shared friend, Meredith. If timing works out, we'll also be joined by Justin and Mel! If not, we'll meet up at the house when they get into town later in the evening. Saturday evening is the annual Greek party, where we are sure to dance too much and have too much fun. Sunday will be a nice day to relax and hang out as a family!!
Next weekend is Thanksgiving!! In addition to celebrating the many things that we have to be thankful for, we are going to get our tree and decorate for Christmas!! I'm so glad that our 2009 ornament made it in time!! But I'll need to swing by Bed Bath and Beyond to get our 2010 - looks like it's time for another "Baby's first Christmas" ornament!! Or is it... if Karter isn't born until after Christmas, then technically, next year would be her first Christmas, right? Ut oh. We don't have a plan B! Does that mean I must wait and see how things "play out"? Did I just find something new to turn my concern toward? If Karter comes after Christmas, what will our 2010 ornament be? Any ideas?
Now let's turn our attention to more holiday fun! Dec 11, we are going with our friends, Matt and Rachel, and their nephew Cylis to the Polar Express! If you know Jared well, you can probably guess that he is the most excited!! This could become a great holiday tradition!
The appointment was good. My doctor made the comment "your weight really jumped up there Missy", but went on to say that she is very proud of my weight gain to date and fully expected that with my previous history and natural build, I would "exceed expectations" in this department. I still have 6 weeks to fight the good fight, and I am committed to getting back into shape after Karter is born. Jared and I are both looking forward to strapping our skates back on and "strolling" around the block with the kiddos! Too bad it'll be winter in Ohio!!
Next week is my final week without an appointment! That is the point where I think I can finally say that I am CLOSE!!
I have had more concerns during this pregnancy; they never really seem warranted, but they are a reality of being my Mama's daughter. That is not a slap at my Mother, rather an admittance of a truth that we both share - we are worriers. My latest concern has been pre-mature labor, so I was happy to receive an email with this line this morning, "If you've been nervous about preterm labor, you'll be happy to know that babies born between 34 and 37 weeks who have no other health problems generally do fine. They may need a short stay in the neonatal nursery and may have a few short-term health issues, but in the long run, they usually do as well as full-term babies." So it looks like I should start finding something new to worry about!
How about the holidays? I love the holiday season, but it truly is a busy time of year! This weekend, we have planned a weekend of adult fun. We are meeting with a woman from our district to discuss Jordan's upcoming transition from her current school program to one within the school district on Friday at 3:30p. Once that meeting is complete, Jordan is going home with her Nanny to enjoy some time with "her other family", and Jared and I are going to a happy hour with some of his co-workers and our shared friend, Meredith. If timing works out, we'll also be joined by Justin and Mel! If not, we'll meet up at the house when they get into town later in the evening. Saturday evening is the annual Greek party, where we are sure to dance too much and have too much fun. Sunday will be a nice day to relax and hang out as a family!!
Next weekend is Thanksgiving!! In addition to celebrating the many things that we have to be thankful for, we are going to get our tree and decorate for Christmas!! I'm so glad that our 2009 ornament made it in time!! But I'll need to swing by Bed Bath and Beyond to get our 2010 - looks like it's time for another "Baby's first Christmas" ornament!! Or is it... if Karter isn't born until after Christmas, then technically, next year would be her first Christmas, right? Ut oh. We don't have a plan B! Does that mean I must wait and see how things "play out"? Did I just find something new to turn my concern toward? If Karter comes after Christmas, what will our 2010 ornament be? Any ideas?
Now let's turn our attention to more holiday fun! Dec 11, we are going with our friends, Matt and Rachel, and their nephew Cylis to the Polar Express! If you know Jared well, you can probably guess that he is the most excited!! This could become a great holiday tradition!
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Old Treasures for New Memories
I had a quick, yet super nice visit, from an old co-worker and friend this morning. When I met Heather Gibbins, she was sporting her own baby bump, and Jared and I gave her Jordan's bassinet and super cool zip-up winter car seat cover to use with her little girl (and any subsequent babies since we were presumably "done"). Since then, Heather's family has grown with the birth of a second baby!!
When Heather heard I was pregnant, she immediately offered us the bassinet and cover back. Baby Zac had outgrown the bassinet and pink just wasn't his color. Heather's re-gift is such a gem to us! These were two of our most favorite items with Jordan, and I'm sure they will be with Karter too. Thank you Heather, Mama Hamilton, and Aunt Jen, who each gifted us these items at some point!!
I am really starting to get excited for the new memories that we'll create with our old treasures. Being surrounded by supportive friends and family has been and continues to be the gift that keeps on giving, and a true blessing at such a scary and exciting time! Please continue to think of us, pray for us, and scold us when we're out of line; with your help, we are becoming the parents and people that we want to be!
Next appointment is TODAY at 3:50p! Can't wait to hear a little heart beat and hear a good report!
When Heather heard I was pregnant, she immediately offered us the bassinet and cover back. Baby Zac had outgrown the bassinet and pink just wasn't his color. Heather's re-gift is such a gem to us! These were two of our most favorite items with Jordan, and I'm sure they will be with Karter too. Thank you Heather, Mama Hamilton, and Aunt Jen, who each gifted us these items at some point!!
I am really starting to get excited for the new memories that we'll create with our old treasures. Being surrounded by supportive friends and family has been and continues to be the gift that keeps on giving, and a true blessing at such a scary and exciting time! Please continue to think of us, pray for us, and scold us when we're out of line; with your help, we are becoming the parents and people that we want to be!
Next appointment is TODAY at 3:50p! Can't wait to hear a little heart beat and hear a good report!
Monday, November 15, 2010
Blessed before 10a.m.!
Today is my first day working from home. So far, I am liking the setup! Perhaps surprisingly, I've elected to get dressed in the mornings. There are really 2 things that drove that decision. First, let's hope that I eventually need to go to the hospital and make a baby. Second, the basement is a bit too cool for pajamas!! But... I didn't get stuck in traffic. I didn't have to rush. I didn't have to park further away than what I like to... in the rain. AND, I have gotten to listen to the sweet sound of giggles and the pidder-padder of little feet above me while Jordan practices her walking. Being more relaxed and more productive at the same time is such a blessing when you're feeling as tired as I have been feeling!
Friday, November 12, 2010
No, I'm not having a baby today, but this is it - my final day in the office before the baby comes!! It's 4p, and it still hasn't really hit me yet. Today has been fairly normal. I had a busy morning of meetings, went to lunch (MEXICAN!!!!) with a few of my favorite co-workers, had a few afternoon meetings, and am now delaying the completion of the self-assesment portion of my 2010 year-end review. Today really isn't different than any other Friday, except on Monday, I will commute 30 seconds to the basement home office instead of over an hour to the Cleveland 'burbs!
I was suppose to find out something this morning about the promotion that I interviewed for, but I did not. I suppose no news may actually be news in this case. Am I sad? Eh. I'm disappointed, but not really that sad. There is far too much to be excited for to be sad about missed opportunities! I have a smart little 2 1/2 year old gal at home who scored at a 4 1/2 year old level in multiple cognitive areas. I have a healthy baby gal on the way. It's FRIDAY! My watch and rings still fit. I have a husband that loves me, and I'll always be my Mama's baby. This list could go on, but I'll stop it now before I find something that makes me so happy that I spend the rest of the evening bawling with gratitude (I'm an emotional girl, but I know my limits!)
To maintain the smile on my face, I think I will go home, gather up my family and go for a walk to enjoy what is likely one of the last beautiful days in Cleveland this year. Yay for sunshine on a Friday!!
I was suppose to find out something this morning about the promotion that I interviewed for, but I did not. I suppose no news may actually be news in this case. Am I sad? Eh. I'm disappointed, but not really that sad. There is far too much to be excited for to be sad about missed opportunities! I have a smart little 2 1/2 year old gal at home who scored at a 4 1/2 year old level in multiple cognitive areas. I have a healthy baby gal on the way. It's FRIDAY! My watch and rings still fit. I have a husband that loves me, and I'll always be my Mama's baby. This list could go on, but I'll stop it now before I find something that makes me so happy that I spend the rest of the evening bawling with gratitude (I'm an emotional girl, but I know my limits!)
To maintain the smile on my face, I think I will go home, gather up my family and go for a walk to enjoy what is likely one of the last beautiful days in Cleveland this year. Yay for sunshine on a Friday!!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Can this gurl wear curls?
I have been told that you should never make radical changes to your hair while pregnant because your mind gets irrational ideas about what might look good - yet, here I am, ready to go for "it"!! Yet, I can't quite determine what "it" is!

I decided on my way to work today that I wanted hair extensions. I asked around and had someone recommended to me. I even looked online to determine that the glue-less hair extensions were right for me. Then I called Jared, who initially laughed and then gave me an unrealistic price limit.
My next thought, "I'll show him!" When Jared and I met, I had a perm. It was intended to look like Meg Ryan in City of Angels, but didn't. He swears he hated it, but the boy did develop a 6-year crush, so I might suggest that he, like his prego wife, doesn't know what he wants! So, I'm thinking a perm!!
What I really want is long full layers like I had my senior year of high school, but I'm probably years from seeing the growth necessary to make that happen - so what's the next best thing? Why, short curls of course!!
I tried to call my stylist, but when she didn't answer her cell and I called what I thought was the salon number, some disgruntled man verbally attacked me and then apologized for thinking I was a creditor. (On a sidenote, my best friend from college's husband thinks I'm a telemarketer and has also been a bit short with me on the phone before, so I'm sort of use to it).
And now I ask, can I pull off these locks without looking 80's or worse or should I play it safe and return to the style of the gal in the upper right? I like me with short hair like hers, but that seems to take me so much further from where I'm trying to be...[sigh]. What do you think?

Tuesday, November 9, 2010
My baby has fingernails!
Today is my last Tuesday in the office in 2010!! Sure, we're still 7 weeks from seeing "her" for the first time, but another milestone has passed! After this week, I am no longer allowed to travel my 104 mile daily commute. Don't celebrate for me too much before I remind you that I'll still be working from my home office :)
Week 32 According to the Internet:
Your baby weighs 3.75 pounds and is about 16.7 inches long. You're gaining about a pound a week (ha! that's grossly understated!) and roughly half of that goes right to your baby. In fact, she'll gain a third to half of her birth weight during the next 7 weeks as she fattens up for survival outside the womb. She now has toenails, fingernails, and real hair (or at least respectable peach fuzz). Her skin is becoming soft and smooth as she plumps up in preparation for birth.
Understanding this Post Title:
If you are pregnant, have a baby, or are planning to get pregnant and have a dry sense of humor with an appreciation for "smart" humor, rent JUNO! This movie is at the top of my list for all times! This post title is a knock off of a line from the movie, "Your baby has fingernails."
Week 32 According to the Internet:
Your baby weighs 3.75 pounds and is about 16.7 inches long. You're gaining about a pound a week (ha! that's grossly understated!) and roughly half of that goes right to your baby. In fact, she'll gain a third to half of her birth weight during the next 7 weeks as she fattens up for survival outside the womb. She now has toenails, fingernails, and real hair (or at least respectable peach fuzz). Her skin is becoming soft and smooth as she plumps up in preparation for birth.
Understanding this Post Title:
If you are pregnant, have a baby, or are planning to get pregnant and have a dry sense of humor with an appreciation for "smart" humor, rent JUNO! This movie is at the top of my list for all times! This post title is a knock off of a line from the movie, "Your baby has fingernails."
Friday, November 5, 2010
Given the news of the afternoon, I have decided to turn my focus to the holidays for a little while...
First, Halloween! Jordan and I had a great time trick or treating last weekend. We didn't stop at many of the houses because Jordan quickly selected a 3 Muskateers bar and a lollipop to hold and then declared all other candy mine, but we never passed up a house with a puppy to pet!
Thanksgiving should be uneventful this year. It will just be the 3 of us, so we'll probably eat a little turkey and use the time to get our tree, decorate, and start thinking about Christmas!!
Each year, we get at least one new porcelain Lenox ornament with the year embossed for our tree. In 2007, we kicked off the tradition with a "1st Home" ornament from my sister, Becky and a "First Year Together" ornament that we got ourselves. In 2008, we got a "Baby's 1st Christmas" to celebrate Jordan's birthday. And for 2009, we were determined to celebrate our first trip to Disney with our ornament. I had tried before Christmas, but failed at every attempt to find a Mickey or Minnie 2009 ornament in-stock anywhere. But tonight, I FINALLY found and ordered our 2009 ornament!

We met with Dr. Mark Davis at Paragon today. This was suppose to be our introduction meeting and consultation for the repeat C, and it started as just that... And then Dr. Davis asked, do you have any questions. OF COURSE I have questions!
We began discussing the options for the incision and ways to minimize my recovery... when he suggested what I thought was the impossible. It is his opinion that because I did not have a classic c-section (where they cut the skin and internal stuff in the same place and pattern), I am still a candidate for a natural V-birth. The risk is reduced for Karter, and my recovery should be faster if we proceed this route.
So here's the plan...
The c-section is scheduled for Dec 29. We will have an ultrasound with Dr. Davis on Dec 17, which is during week 37. We should be able to gage the baby's size at that time. If the baby is big, we will plan for the c-section on Dec 29. If the baby is small to average, we will plan to proceed "naturally".
I think today's news is good news, but I'm still digesting. I have found that I do not like to be surprised, even with good news, when it comes to pregnancy. But... I suppose that I will eventually accept that I can't know or predict everything. Some things are out of my hands, and that's where they belong. Send some prayers my way... the idea of this will take some getting use to...
We began discussing the options for the incision and ways to minimize my recovery... when he suggested what I thought was the impossible. It is his opinion that because I did not have a classic c-section (where they cut the skin and internal stuff in the same place and pattern), I am still a candidate for a natural V-birth. The risk is reduced for Karter, and my recovery should be faster if we proceed this route.
So here's the plan...
The c-section is scheduled for Dec 29. We will have an ultrasound with Dr. Davis on Dec 17, which is during week 37. We should be able to gage the baby's size at that time. If the baby is big, we will plan for the c-section on Dec 29. If the baby is small to average, we will plan to proceed "naturally".
I think today's news is good news, but I'm still digesting. I have found that I do not like to be surprised, even with good news, when it comes to pregnancy. But... I suppose that I will eventually accept that I can't know or predict everything. Some things are out of my hands, and that's where they belong. Send some prayers my way... the idea of this will take some getting use to...
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Could tomorrow be the day that I've been waiting for?
Progress Report: Week 31, Day 4
- We are about half way through week 31, and I still have ankles!!
- Jared and I are meeting with the lead doctor performing my surgery tomorrow afternoon. My doctor said that she doesn't know if he will give me the official date, or if I will have to wait until he and she have had a chance to discuss... but I may encourage him to make a decision on the spot! Doesn't he want to get his holiday plans on the calendar?? I’m maybe thinking Dec 15 or 16 would be a nice target – even though my doctor alluded to the following week. If we do it on the 15 or 16, we should have no trouble being home and together as a family for Christmas, and I’m not sure that the following week offers me the same level of confidence. We’ll do whatever the doctor says is best for the baby, but I’ll still be inclined to suggest my own dates! Plus, Dec 15 already holds special meaning, so it’ll be easier for some folks to remember. What’s scary is that it’s only 6 weeks away!!
- This is the next to last Thursday I'll be in the office before the baby comes! Next Friday is my last day in the office before I start working from home! I can't wait to not spend 2+ hours commuting every day - and neither can Karter!!
- I am still craving pickles and bananas - but now we have to add the dreaded chocolate to the list!
- This is my last weekend of being allowed to travel more than an hour, so I'm contemplating a trip to Washington, PA to visit the family and do a little Christmas shopping at the outlets!... just because I can!!
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Karter & Karson Baby Shower!
On Saturday, we celebrated Karter (our bundle-of-joy-to-be) and 
Karson (Mel & Justin's bundle-of-boy-to-be) with family and friends! Jared and the boys took Justin out to celebrate Dad-hood, and we gals stayed back at the house where Brittney and Mel co-hosted a shower for Karter and me AND Brittney and I co-hosted a shower for Karson and Mel! You think that's confusing? Wait until you have to keep Karter and Karson's names straight!
Thank you to everyone who joined us and to those of you who would have liked to have and couldn't; I had so much fun and could never express how important having the support of such wonderful friends and family has been for me.

Karson (Mel & Justin's bundle-of-boy-to-be) with family and friends! Jared and the boys took Justin out to celebrate Dad-hood, and we gals stayed back at the house where Brittney and Mel co-hosted a shower for Karter and me AND Brittney and I co-hosted a shower for Karson and Mel! You think that's confusing? Wait until you have to keep Karter and Karson's names straight!
Thank you to everyone who joined us and to those of you who would have liked to have and couldn't; I had so much fun and could never express how important having the support of such wonderful friends and family has been for me.
There are times when I wonder how in the world will I ever do what I'm about to do - and that's when I rely on my life-lines - YOU! The past 2 1/2 years has never been easy, but it has always been worth it. I am so thankful to have each of you beside us through this journey.
Getting ready for the party took plenty of preparation! Jordan was a big help making the sign and yummy treats!
Aunt Brittney showed off her culinary skills making some homemade pepperoni sandwiches!
And Uncle Justin showed off his superior decorating skills by hanging some super festive ceiling hangers!
Karter received wonderful presents from our wonderful friends and family! Some were cute - Some were practical - Some were cute AND practical! We are so thankful for them all!!
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