Jordan and Mommy had a great play day yesterday! Jordan's nanny, Missy, needed the day off to take her own daughter for a procedure, so I was glad to get to spend my day with Jordan!It seems that Jordan is getting use to the idea of having baby Karter around. She laid her Baby Karter baby doll in the crib a few days ago and has been letting her sleep there since. And yesterday morning while we were picking something out to wear, Jordan finally pronounced that her crib is for Karter!
Later in the morning, Jordan finally got to show me around her school and introduce me to her best friend, Casey. He is just as cute as she says he is!! As my father once said of my own love, I could do worse for a son-in-law. Okay, so perhaps it's a little early for that type of talk, but Casey is a cutie!
Our play day came on the heals of Jordan's play day with her Daddy, Great-Granddad Buck and Great-Grandma Sudie on Monday! We were lucky to have them spend the weekend with us and join us for an outing to the Cleveland Zoo!! (Note: If you find yourself in the area, beware of the dirty dirty monkeys. Yes, there's a story there. No, I won't be sharing it today. Just take my words of caution and file them away).

What started out as any other day home sick from the office turned in to a special day for Daddy, his girl, and his grandparents. I'll probably never know everything that they accomplished that day, but I know that I came home to some big smiles and some happy faces!
Buck and Sudie brought a special gift for their special gal.

With all these play days, you may be wondering when we work... The answer is
today. We were suppose to be on our way to Kentucky, but will instead be enjoying a weekend getting caught up around the house. We're sad to be missing the alumni reunion, but are coming off of a good week nonetheless!